Analisis Hukum terhadap Pelaksanaan Sanksi Adat Seda’ pada Kasus Kawin Lari



This research uses legal field methods or normative to explain implications. Field data collection was carried out through interviews and observation stages. Furthermore, all collected selected based on reliability validity. study aims legally analyze the implementation of Seda’ customary sanctions in Mamuju Regency. The researcher examines relationship between existence positive law Indonesia, is there a conflict its implementation?
 Basically, people Bonehau Regency want prioritize when cases elopement occur. sanction which still recognized by community one manifestations civil law. form punishment imposition non-physical humiliation, expulsion from village, ostracism community, especially their family. practice groups (siko’bon), with stipulation that those who are allowed perform have family blood relations person eloping (silariang).
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عنوان ژورنال: Amsir Law Jurnal

سال: 2023

ISSN: ['2715-9329']